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Inclement Weather Policy


Inclement weather occurs often during the fall and winter months in northern Colorado, and it’s important to understand the procedures that UNC will follow on those days 为了让我们的学生、教师和员工做好最好的准备.

本政策和以下信息适用于皇冠app官方版下载格里利主校区. For 皇冠app官方版下载的丹佛和洛夫兰校区的信息,请参阅 我们扩展校园中心的恶劣天气政策. 


Inclement weather can sometimes affect the operational status of the university in 延迟或关闭的形式. 在这些情况下,联合国军司令部可调整行动以确保 the health and safety of our university population while maintaining essential services 住在校园里的学生需要.  

When possible, 当天关门通知将于早上6:30公布.m. 晚上关门通知将于下午4点前公布.m.  
If a severe weather warning is issued while you are on-campus, it is recommended that individuals remain in the building, follow posted emergency procedures, and await further instructions.  

Notifications about delayed starts or closures are made via the following methods: 

UNC Emergency Alert -向以下人士发出大规模紧急通知:

  • UNC computer desktops 
  • Personal cell phones 
  • UNC email addresses 
  • RAVE Guardian App 

UNC Web Alerts 

UNC Social Media accounts 

As time permits and the situation warrants, external notifications may be made to 以下(资料可能会延迟): 

Cancellations and Closures

In the event of a campus closure due to severe weather, the university community will be notified of class cancellations, an administrative closure or, most likely, the 取消/关闭类和管理操作.  

When an administrative closure is issued, administrative functions of the campus are 封闭的,可能包括校园活动、设施和场地. Unless otherwise noted, essential services 住在校园里的学生需要 (such as dining services), will continue to operate. 

Class Cancellations
  • On days when the university announces class cancellations, all in-person and online 同步课程(在指定时间上课的在线课程)将被取消. 
  • There are no changes to online asynchronous classes, which don’t have meeting times.  
Administrative Closure
  • On days when the university announces an administrative closure, most faculty and 员工不需要工作,不管正常的工作方式.
  • 关键和基本服务人员应到其工作地点报到. 


In the event of a campus delay due to severe weather, the university community will 对课堂延误、行政延误或两者都要警惕. 

When an administrative delay is issued, administrative functions of the campus are delayed until the posted time, which may include campus events, facilities and venues. Unless otherwise noted, essential services 住在校园里的学生需要 (such 作为餐饮服务),将继续正常运作. 


Class Delay
  • When the weather delays campus opening, all in-person and online synchronous classes (online classes that meet at a specified time) that occur before the stated opening time are canceled.
    • 例如,如果校园在上午10点发布延迟开始.m., this means all in-person 在线课程安排在上午10点前开始.m. are canceled. All classes scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. 或之后将照常举行.  
  • There are no changes to online asynchronous classes, which don’t have meeting times. 
Administrative Delay
  • Most faculty and staff are not expected to work during an administrative closure or 拖延,不顾正常的工作方式.
  • 关键和基本服务人员应到其工作地点报到. 



If you find yourself stranded on or near UNC’s Greeley campus and need shelter and/or 在恶劣天气事件期间,物资供应请致电 UNC Police Department at 970-351-2245. 然后调度中心可以为你联系合适的UNC联系人进行评估 your needs.   

If you are unable to safely travel to your place of residence due to inclement weather, please contact Housing & 寄宿教育在天气恶劣的日子早早开始 event. 可致电970-351-2721或 housing@7111t.com. 如果有紧急临时住房,通常会在 一个社区浴室风格的住宿环境过夜.

If you’re a staff member within the UNC Grounds, Facilities or Dining Services team and find yourself stranded or in need of assistance, please contact your supervisor.  


If you see any areas of concern around campus after a weather event, such as icy spots on sidewalks, please call UNC Facilities at 970-351-2446. 

Weather Policy FAQs

  • 谁来决定大学的关闭和延期? 

    The emergency preparedness team consists of representatives from Facilities, Landscaping and Grounds, Finance & 行政、环境及卫生 & Safety and UNC Police. They work together to monitor conditions and make recommendations to the president 皇冠app安卓下载安装大学的运行状况. 

  • 在决定延迟或关闭时要考虑什么样的信息?

    在应对恶劣天气条件的大学 primarily considers conditions in the immediate vicinity of campus, including road conditions in Greeley, 以及我们对住在校园里的学生的义务. Our Facilities staff arrive 一大早,有的早到凌晨3点.m.,以清除积雪和除冰 只要有可能就敞开心扉. 

  • 如果学校关门了,我还能在校园里吗? 

    不住在学校的员工和学生被要求离开 campus once the university is closed if it is safe to do so. This allows facilities crews to more readily clear snow from parking lots and roadways as it accumulates. 有些员工需要向 campus even if the University is closed; otherwise, employees are encouraged to stay home. 

  • 如果校园开放,我不能去上班或上课,我该怎么办? 

    Individual students or employees who cannot travel safely should use sound judgment 并根据他们的个人情况做出选择. Students and employees 选择不去校园旅行的学生应该和他们的教授做安排吗 and supervisors. 

    • If you are a student, 你有责任与你所有的教授和 在你缺课前请老师请假. 
    • If you are an employee, 你有责任及时与主管沟通. Employees who cannot safely travel to work during adverse weather and who are not authorized to work from home or who cannot work from home should use annual leave or leave without 没有年假的工资. 
  • Are alternate work arrangements available during extreme weather conditions prior 正式结束:正式结束时或在没有正式结束时? 

    A supervisor may determine that an alternate work arrangement, such as working from 在家,可以在极端天气条件下使用. Alternate work arrangements 必须由主管批准吗. 

  • 何时作出重新开放大学的决定? 

    我们将根据天气和道路情况决定是否重新开放校园. If the university is currently closed and weather conditions improve during evening hours, a decision to reopen the next day may be made that evening, or before 6:30 a.m. 第二天,取决于天气预报和现有信息. 

    • 应该假设大学在关闭后的第二天是开放的,除非已传达了当天的新结束. 
  • 在大学关闭期间如何处理员工休假? 
    • When campus is closed, administrative leave is granted to regular employees for their 关闭期间的预定工作时间. 
    • Regular part-time employees who are normally scheduled to work when a closure occurs 是否在规定的工作时间内获得带薪行政休假. 
    • Non-student hourly employees and student employees are not eligible for paid leave during a closure. 
  • 校园早关门或晚开门时,休假如何处理? 

    Early closure: 

    • Regular employees are granted paid administrative leave and released under the guidance 部门主管或主管. 
    • The amount of administrative leave granted for sequential/staggered release or early 关闭时间以总统授权的正式发布时间为准. 
    • Regular shift employees are granted paid administrative leave for their normally scheduled 大学正式关闭后的工作时间. 
    • Early release time not authorized by the president is charged to annual leave or leave without pay, unless alternate work arrangements or options are approved by the supervisor. 

    Delayed start: 

    • Regular employees are granted paid administrative leave if the delay occurs during their scheduled work hours. 
    • Regular employees who arrive late to work beyond the delayed opening due to extreme weather conditions may be granted administrative leave if their supervisor determines 迟到是合理的. 


  • Who is considered an essential employee and should still report to work if the campus is closed?

    Some employees may be required to report to work because their job functions include maintaining or protecting thehealth, safety or physical well-being of students, faculty and staff, such as police officers, some 设施员工,某些研究实验室的工作人员 或者为学生提供餐饮服务的员工. 员工应该询问他们的主管 获取有关其指定的信息.